Things To Do Anywhere
Forest School style outdoor and indoor nature activities:
Enter The Leukaemia Cancer Society children’s short story competition, closing 30th April.
Forest School style outdoor and indoor nature activities:
Things to do at home on the Vegan Family Guide website:
Find printable colouring and activity sheets and online learning. We have recently been printing colouring sheets for books we like, I'll add these soon. I sometimes stick them up somewhere, which makes a change from colouring on the table. Our table has a big roll of drawing paper across it, and we have a roll up whiteboard stuck on the wall.
Listen to decent children's music.
Watch vegan children's videos
Buy eco toys and vegan art materials
Other websites:
Home Time Activities:
Pinterest has a lot of ideas for children's activities, as apparently does this Vicky Blyde, Busy Toddler and Five Minute Mum.
Make a rainbow and put it in the window. Spot rainbows (and teddies) in other people's windows.
Before the last lockdown, we ordered an indoor climbing frame with slide! A friend has painted a chalkboard on the wall put up a 'bouldering' rock climbing wall.
Learn to read:
While we were stuck at home, Baby Vegan became very interested in the Letterland Dictionary. So I bought a flap book, magnet board and wipe clean book too. When out and about we would look for letters on street signs, and I set up a 'letter of the day' table of objects. I also bought Baby Vegan a letter jigsaw. Since we've been allowed to have fun again, this interest has waned. In preparation for renewed boredom, I have now ordered the Julia Donaldson (Gruffalo) Songbird phonics series from eBay.
Grocery shopping:
I've added a page of online retailers. Try them to see who is delivering at the moment. Many people struggled to find Calpol last time around. We use an aromatherapy oil for teething.
Toilet training:
If you have nothing better to do, you can start toilet training a baby at any age with my online course.
Things To Do Lancaster
Teddy trail and Colouring conversation
Draw pictures of how you would like North Lancashire to look in years to come for Food Futures, and have them put up in the window at Single Step vegan wholefood cooperative. The window display forms part of a teddy bear trail around Lancaster, organised by Global Link. The bears in the Single Step window are eating vegan honey, which entertained Toddler Vegan and I while we waited for Daddy Vegan to come out.
Lancaster Health Festival events online this Saturday: (Edit- now finished)
There is an Digital Disco Soup event between 5 and 9pm, hosted by Food Futures. You can also find out about the new Tara Time Bank on zoom between 2 and 3pm.
Lancaster Playgrounds and family friendly cafes map:
Lancaster playgrounds, parks, and baby friendly cafes and restaurants can be found on the Lancaster Children's Map which I am currently making. I found playgrounds on the Lancaster council website, and cafes on the Baby Maze website. The map also has buggy friendly walks around the Lake District and Forest of Bowland.
The Baby Maze website has a page about what Lancaster baby groups are still running under Covid 19 restrictions; either online or in real life. The national app Happity list online virtual toddler classes too.
Cycling around Lancaster:
This Lancaster cycle map shows safer paths to cycle down. We have fitted a baby bike seat to get around quicker and further without public transport. It gives us the option to zoom past people without interacting in the slightest. Read my post with tips for keeping warm.
Walking around Lancaster:
A hiking backpack baby carrier is handy on rougher terrain. I also used to find these handy on public transport. The council website has a walking and cycling route map.
Find out which Lancaster libraries are open, and see what e-books are available on the council website, and . You could also listen to audiobooks with the Libby or Borrow Box app.