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Vegan learning materials & vegan teaching resources
free PDF downloads

other learning resources

Materials for vegan children to use at home for vegan home education, such as: vegan colouring sheets, crafts, vegan maths puzzles, vegan literacy worksheets, lessons about animal needs and feelings, and practical activities.  Roots and Shoots event suggest a two week vegan homeschool schedule.


These can also be lesson plans for schools.  Read more about vegan vegan school inclusions campaigns.  If you work with children in any capacity you may like to join our Vegan Teachers LinkedIn group. 


Online events


Vegan Kids Festival is holding some online events for children in their vegan Kids community.

Children coloring
humane education UK



Colouring activity books: Just Like Me picture book and colouring book, Peace Love Vegan colouring book, Plant Based Cards colouring book, stickers and games, Simple Happy Kitchen download

Crayons: YesBebe*, English Heritage*FunningUpMyCrayons*, TheNaturalCrayonCo* Etsy

Paint: NibsPensandInk*, ReneeissanceColours* Etsy, Rock Chocs*

Playdough: YesBebe*, Playberry* Etsy

Glitter: Craft Stash*, EcoGlitterFun* Etsy

Stationary i.e. sticky tape, pens: Veo*

Felt tips: Rock Chocs*

Glue, pencils, paintbrush etc: Conscious Craft 'gifts for vegan kids tab', Nature Makers

Vegan food toys: CleverCoconuts*, PlantBasedCards*, Toby Tiger*, Yes Bebe*Iby&Me*, Kidy*


Vegan Kids Community

Vegan colouring sheets

Vegan Colouring Sheets

Find more colouring on the Vegan Colouring Books page for more humane education

Nature Makers

Craft workshop hosts

Vivi the Supervegan

Vegan children's book

Maze, word search, book cover colouring, cut-out characters, notepaper to write your own story on.  Vegan children's activities here

Vegan children's book

Sheena is a Vegan

Vegan children's book

Earth the Sea Turtle

Vegan children's book

Sea Shepherd

Animal rights organisation

Hermonie Wild


TeachKind worksheets

Animal rights organisation



Fruits and vegetables colouring page to buy download

Violet's Vegan Comics


Colour by nutrients colouring book, 

World of Vegan

Colour by nutrients colouring book,  colouring pages and chimp drawing instructional video


Roots & Shoots Jane Goodall

Safe Animal Squad


Vegetarian Resources Group

Vegan craft sheets

Vegan children's crafts: cutting and sticking

also have a look at Rainbow Family Craft, made by a vegan

Vegan children's puzzles- primary maths

Vegan kids puzzles

Violet's Vegan Comics puzzles

Vegan children's book.

Soduku, crossword, activity instructions, Colouring book

World of Vegan

Writing & colouring comprehension story board & poster

Writing and colouring sessions for age 5 to 11: 1 on kindness, 2 a pigeon, and 3 a cat.

Primary: Top Trumps, poems posters and other posters, lesson plans, hatching projects factsheet

Secondary: Lesson plans, videos

Young People: Videos, factsheets, leaflets, booklets for campaigning

Vegan school speaker service

Word Searches

Letter and word recognition:

Eartha the Sea Turtle word scramble and word search.

Vivi the Supervegan book word search. and creative writing template

Peta Kids word searches: halloween and spring.



Violet's Vegan Comics protein crossword for food technology primary or secondary

and vegan crossword

Animal Aid animal rights crosswords 1 questions and answers, and 2 questions and answers

Vegan literacy activities

Vegan kid's activities- primary literacy

Animal needs


English language worksheets- nouns and verbs

Writing prompt worksheets

Vivi the Supervegan book word search. and creative writing template


TeachKind persuasive writing worksheets:

Opinion writing worksheet difficulty level- K, 1-2, 3-5, Spanish

Factual writing worksheets:

Informative writing worksheet: K, K, 1-2, 1-2, 3-5


TeachKind: persuasive posters for cat and dog companion animals in English and Spanish


Safe Animal Squad


Sort by year group and topic, including PHSE, Citizenship, English, Science, Maths, History, Design Technology.


Explore animals needs and feelings, and how to help them.



Animal's Needs

Practical activities



Do Terra workbook

Make fizzing bath bombs

Make play dough


Middle/ High school Environment and art vegan lesson plans. from Farm Sanctuary




Roots and Shoots youth activism ideas

Violet's Vegan Comics helping board game

The OG Vegan Kindness bingo

 Humane Education Visioning lesson and free solutionary guidebook

Roots and Shoots mindful kindness, one click actions, project planning


Violet's Vegan Comics crafts and cooking activities

Teach Heart clay animal feelings

Bodhi Tree nursery story book videos with activities


Humane Education Who Am I



The Vegan Society lesson plans series for secondary school students


Animal Aid

Food top trump cards

Eatwell plate poster



Liz C

Healthy vegan diet colouring healthy diet plate

and healthy eating sticker chart- need to pay to order


Lean and Green Kids run workshops in USA schools





Pledges and posters

Grow Up Vegan certificate and vegan poster


Animal Aid Animal Kind pledge poster and class pledge form

Everyone matters poster, Animals and us poster, dog and pig poster 


Peta Teach Kind kind student award

and kindness pledge in English or Spanish

The Young Vegan is a website for young vegans

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*This site contains affiliate links.

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